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British plastics federation issued a "plastic packaging is safe
Category:Industry news   Publish:2014-06-18 12:15:16   View:1394次 [Back]

    &Nbsp;BPF Association Director-General Philip said Law, cited an article in the guardian about warning exposure to synthetic materials result in long-term damage, and urged further study of academic papers. This is alarmist, and industry has not consulted people in the industry. Sweeping many chemicals are labelled as "synthetics" tag, without regard to their individual characteristics. Strange thing is, this article does not refer to this week, the European Commission has completed its review for phthalic acid salt two, the conclusion is that it would not pose any risk to consumers.

    In fact, plastics used in food packaging a set of EU and national legislation, including plastic materials in contact with foodstuffs-strict EU regulations and the REACH regulation in great detail. Moreover, the European food safety authority and the United Kingdom food standards agency will be monitoring this.

    Over the past 50 years, the development of plastic packaging and other forms of packaging technology, which greatly promoted the progress of food hygiene. Past the corner shop must be exposed to butter flies, we are closer to this day is already quite distant. In durable and sealed before packing, perishable foods alarming mortality due to improper packing, it is not surprising at all.

Used for food packaging plastic, usually with the materials used in health care, including long-term close contact with artificial organs and body tissues. Plastic is usually recommended as the preferred material for the purpose of the public organization.

  &Nbsp;BPF Finally, plastic packaging is not only safe, but also a great contribution to public health.

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